Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Protect the children...make sure they have a voice!

 It's a short video loaded with lots of facts...

A BIG shout out to Paul Craig Roberts who is really voicing his concerns.

This one is a happy moment...look how peaceful things are!

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Sad news as I look deeper into the music world and all the concerts, dvd's, cd's I own that I can NO longer listen to...Joan Baez was someone whom I looked up to, got to see her perform in a small (old church) venue in Eugene years she is 80 and painting pictures of Fauci and writing letters to him.  Such a change from seeing her play in the streets of Saragevo with a bullet proof vest on singing Amazing was this war recognized then but the one we're fighting now is not?

Then there is Ian Anderson...broke our hearts to read on his site, I wonder where his references are?  I didn't know he was a doctor.  Wow a 100+ concerts a year and 3000 concerts in 40 countries...what a blessed life he has had.  Millions are suffering without any attention to their health after these vaccines...yet he has the nerve to mention protecting his "social bubble" as he's 72 years old. 

He needs to listen to listen to the words of Thick as a Brick...if he can still hear.

Here is the link to the words in case you may have forgot them---

Wonder after his pontificating he could take the time to watch this video of vaccine injured  Brianne Dressen?


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